Hunting Blind Setup
Assemble Components
Set Up Blind <- You Are Here
Once you fasten all the components of your deer hunting blind with removable lag screws and mark all locations and pieces, setup involves only the 5 steps shown on the left.
Initially, however, you need to attach components with deck screws and carefully square up all legs & diagonals as shown in the detailed descriptions below. Once all is square (use THIS Tool), replace all deck screws with lag screws and mark all locations and pieces. You may then set up your deer hunting blind at the location where you will be hunting using the 5-step procedure. Note that you only attach 2 legs to your hunting stand before tipping upright and then attach the other two after it is tipped up.
The beauty of this deer hunting stand is that it may be moved and set up in a new hunting location by a single person! I tipped the stand up alone when the lumber was soaking wet and nearly double its dry weight. Also, the components will all fit inside a full size truck topper! And it is a lot cheaper than this $580 Deer Hunting Blind or this $1000 deer hunting box stand.
Watch The Video of Me Tipping the Stand Up - Click Here!
After this final step, you may disassemble your deer hunting blind into its components, transport to your hunting location, and the assemble your hunting box stand using the 5-step guide at the top of this page using only a ratchet wrench.