Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (you are here) Part 4 Part 5
Step 1 - Attach Your 38" Piece To Your Tree
You should attach a 38" piece as shown below. The top of this piece should be at 74", to match the ladder. You should probably allow yourself a little room to place 4" cement blocks or 2x8 pieces of treated wood under the legs to keep them off the damp ground - even treated lumber will rot if left in water or wet ground. If you are in a very dry location, this is less of a concern. Use a bubble level (shown) to make this piece level from side to side. See this prototype scale photo to get a better idea of the function of this piece - it will be the lower 38"piece for which the bottom level is attached to the tree.
Step 2 - Assemble your two front legs
For each leg attach (3) 8-ft 2x4's and (1) 4-ft 2x4 as shown in the diagram below.

Step 3 - Attach 8-ft Pieces and Diagonal Braces To Legs
You will need to attach 8-ft 2x4's to your legs, along with 48" diagonal supports, as shown below. The diagram below shows you how to attach these pieces. To attach, lay the 16-ft piece flat on the ground and attach the pieces, checking that all corners are square with a framing square. Note that you will need a 12" 2x4 spacer block on each 48" diagonal support to make the support level with both surfaces that it is attached. This prototype photo and this other prototype photo may be helpful here.

Step 4 - Attach Legs To Tree, 38" Deck Support Pieces and Ladder
Attach your 16' legs to the 38" piece on your tree. For me, the 16' pieces stayed in place because of many branches, but you may need to have a friend help or perhaps attach temporary support pieces. Using a bubble level, get your pieces level in each direction. You will probably have to place spacing material like patio blocks or pieces of treated 2x8 under the legs to make them level - actually this is a good thing as it keeps your legs off the wet ground.

Once you have your legs attached to the 38" piece at the tree, fasten the two legs to the 38" pieces that are 10" in and also 36" in as shown below. You may also attach your lower ladder as shown below but note that you will need a 12" spacer block to make the ladder fasten level.. Use a deck screw to initially fasten pieces and then use two or three 16d galvanized common nails at each fastening point.

Step 5 - Attach Diagonal Supports on the 38" Back Piece
To keep everything square and provide stability, I used the 22" and 23.5" leftover pieces from my ladder pieces to stabilize the corners where the stand meets the tree. Just square it all up with a framing square and then attach the pieces as shown below. Your stand should now look like the bottom photo and you are ready for decking and the next level. Note that if you want to use this bottom level as another deck (parent and child bi-level youth hunt stand), you can attach these supports from below.

Part 1 - Materials List & Cutting Instructions
Part 2 - Assemble Ladders
Part 3 - Build The Bottom Level
Part 4 - Build the Top Level <-NEXT STEP!
Part 5 - Finish the Top
Scale Model Photos