Looking for Free Deer Stand Plans?
You have come to the right place. On this site you will find free building plans for a variety of deer hunting stands. And, as you read at the very top of this page, all the plans are free!
My two level deer hunting box stand (shown left) has a shooting height of 15ft and has two levels for safely climbing and bring up gear. This blind is fastened to a tree and thus requires less materials than the free-standing two-level stand, so it is a bit more economical to build. The two levels could also be used for a parent-child youth hunt.
My 4ft by 4ft 12-ft high box hunting stand is portable, has components that fit inside a full size truck or van bed (with topper closed!), and may be assembled on site by one person! And it only costs about $150 to build! Take a look at the plans for this box deer blind!
We have plans for a ladder-type deer stand that may be moved from tree to tree and may also be transported inside a truck topper or even a minivan. This hunting stand is not only portable, it is inexpensive!
My newest stand, shown left, is free standing, fully enclosed tower deer stand, and has a near 15 ft shooting height. It contains two levels and decks for safety and accomodating an extra hunter if desired - this would be nice for a parent-child situation. This stand can be hidden nicely. This is a great stand!
In addition we have plans for an elevated weather-proof box deer hunting stand that will protect you from the weather and cold. The Easy Tree Deer Stand is perhaps the cheapest and easiest hunting stand you can build - check it out! Also we have plans for an easy ground blind that also costs very little and offers some nice concealment.
And some unique deer blind plans posted here are for a back-packable, portable ground blind with a chimney that hangs from a limb, as shown below. You won't find it at a sporting store, but you can build it. See my plans for this deer hunting blind that sends your scent 15 feet into the air.

In addition to deer stand plans, I will be including tips on food plots, info on game cameras, and other deer hunting topics and tips in future updates. And just recently I added plans for a homemade hunting blind seat. Also take a look at my site Deer Hunting Basics!
Hope you can make good use of the plans. And tell your friends!

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